
unusual facts about Restraint

1970 Houston Women's Invitation

"Before there was a Tour, I actually worked as an accountant when I wasn't playing tennis. In those days, the Lawn Tennis Association of Australia wouldn't let any of us—men or women—play more than six months of the year. These days that would be called restraint of trade!"


The English poet John Milton titled his defence of freedom of the press "Areopagitica," arguing that the censors of ancient Athens, based at the Areopagus, had not practiced the kind of prior restraint of publication being called for in the English Parliament of Milton's time.

Cletus Komena Emein

In May 2008, speaking as a member and advisor on Peace and Security of the Izon Council of Elders in Delta State, Cletus Emein called for restraint by both the militants and the Joint Military Task Force to avoid causing further harm to Ijaw communities in the area.

Documentary practice

The 1991 video of Rodney King being subjected to police restraint is an example of the continuing power of this shift.

Faiz Mohammad Khan

Mamola Bai actively sought restraint and organized a peace treaty between Faiz Mohammad Khan and Nanasaheb Peshwa in which half of the territories of the Nawab of Bhopal were unfairly annexed by the Marathas.

Flexible response

In a 1962 speech to the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, McNamara announced that the U.S. would refrain from striking Countervalue targets (cities) early in nuclear war, reserving such force later in war should the Soviets not show similar restraint.

Greek love

Tyrwhitt, who was a vigorous supporter of studying Greek, characterized the Hellenism of his day as "the total denial of any moral restraint on any human impulses," and outlined what he saw as the proper scope of Greek influence on the education of young men.


Ariel Sharon, shortly after his election as Israeli Prime Minister in the 2001 elections, expressed an unexpected response to the Palestinian terrorism, declaring that "Restraint is Power".

Know Your Rights

The Frisk also recorded a version of the song on their EP "Rank Restraint."

Lau Wah-sum

In 1989, he said the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements in China should be disbanded for the sake of Hong Kong as it was considered by China as an anti-China organisation; and that Hong Kong people should exercise self-restraint when criticizing China as Hong Kong was small and China was big.

Malaysian rock

Since the early millennium, Metalcore became popular in Malaysia as well with renowned underground bands such as Forsaken, Amarah, Dewata, Furion Escalada, Dominator (early), Tyrant (screamo), Dead Eyes Glow, Mad Monsters Attack, Restraint and Love Me Butch (post-hardcore) supporting the local scene.

Monroe, North Carolina

The former First Lady, Eleanor Roosevelt, talked to the governor to urge restraint, and the case became internationally embarrassing for the United States.

Owain Jones

Jones O., ‘“The Restraint of Beasts”: rurality, animality, actor network theory and dwelling’, in P. Cloke (ed.) Country Visions, London: Pearson Education.

Patriot Act, Title III, Subtitle A

If a defendant enters into a pretrial restraint order to stop goods from being seized, then the defendant may be required to deposit the property either into the registry of the court, with the United States Marshals Service, or with the U.S. Secretary of Treasury in an interest-bearing account.

Robert Mangold

In a 1994 review in Art in America, Robert Kushner wrote that “underneath the composure of their execution, there is an almost romantic vividness of experience. The contrast of this veiled undercurrent and the Apollonian restraint of the presentation make these new paintings both powerful and poignant.”

Sir James Henderson-Stewart, 1st Baronet

In September 1957 Henderson-Stewart denounced Frank Cousins of the Transport and General Workers' Union as "just another demagogue playing for power" when Cousins declared his opposition to wage restraint.

Sky Swat

The restraints consist of a side-lowering lap bar and partially over-the-shoulder restraints, a restraint system also found on other S&S's attractions, Screamin' Swing and Sky Sling rides.

Take a Look in the Mirror

The band has admitted in interviews to writing this album at somewhat of a rushed pace, due to the sales of Untouchables not reaching the heights they were expecting, and having to write with the time restraint of being on that summer's Ozzfest tour.


TransHab's inflatable shell consisted of multiple layers of blanket insulation, protection from orbital and meteoroid debris, an optimized restraint layer and a redundant bladder with a protective layer.

Unilineal evolution

The industrial society has a goal of production and trade, is decentralised, interconnected with other societies via economic relations, achieves its goals through voluntary cooperation and individual self-restraint, treats the good of individual as the highest value, regulates the social life via voluntary relations, and values initiative, independence and innovation.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 186

United Nations Security Council Resolution 186, adopted unanimously on March 4, 1964, calling on all Member States to conform to their obligations under the Charter, asked the Government of Cyprus to take all additional measures necessary to stop violence and bloodshed and called on communities in Cyprus and their leaders to act with restraint.

see also