Anne's two chief biographers, Eric Ives and Retha Warnicke, both concluded that these charges were fabricated.
His theories on her life have drawn him into fierce debate with the American historian Retha Warnicke, who wrote The Rise and Fall of Anne Boleyn in 1989 to challenge Ives's findings.
In the 1970s, however, Retha Warnicke's analysis of a 1571 court case made it clear that there were two different Laurence Nowells, and their biographies have since been disentangled.
She is best known for her controversial theories over the life of Henry VIII's second wife, Anne Boleyn.
She authored numerous articles, including Inventing the Wicked Women of Tudor England: Alice More, Anne Boleyn and Anne Stanhope and Sexual Heresy at the Court of Henry VIII.