
4 unusual facts about Rice People

Rice People

It was filmed in the Cambodian village of Kamreang, in the Kien Svay and Boeung Thom

--Isn't this a lake in Angk Snuol District, where they collected water lilies and where the daughter made an offering at the end of the film? Is it still in the village of Kamreang? If so, how can Kamreang be in both Kien Svay and Angk Snuol districts?--> areas of Kandal Province near Phnom Penh, on the banks of the Mekong River.

For a generation of children, the rice comes not from the ground, but from a sack, offloaded from the back of a United Nations relief truck.

Shahnon Ahmad

Some novels written by Shahnon include Ranjau Sepanjang Jalan (1966)—which has been adapted into a film called Rice People directed by Cambodian film director Rithy Panh, Rentong (1965), Srengenge (1973)—which won the Malaysian Novel of the Year in 1970, and Terdedah (1965).

see also