
2 unusual facts about Richard Blundell

European Network for Training Economic Research

From March 1, 2011 Richard Blundell (UCL, London), Torsten Persson (University of Stockholm) and Jean Tirole (Université de Toulouse I) agreed to form the new scientific committee at ENTER.

Richard Blundell

Blundell was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland in 2003; by the University of Mannheim in 2011; and by the Norwegian School of Economics NHH, Bergen in 2011.

Alan S. Duncan

Duncan was awarded the Frisch Medal of the Econometric Society in 2000 for the article Estimating Labour Supply Responses using Tax Reforms (with Richard Blundell and Costas Meghir in Econometrica).

Costas Meghir

He was awarded the Ragnar Frisch Medal in 2000 for the article Estimating Labour Supply Responses using Tax Reforms (with Richard Blundell and Alan Duncan) in Econometrica.

see also