
unusual facts about Richard Evelyn Byrd, Sr.

Alexandra Mountains

Discovered by Rear Admiral Byrd while on the Byrd Antarctic Expedition Eastern Flight of December 5, 1929, and named by him during the Byrd Antarctic Expedition (1933-35) for Josephine Clay Ford, daughter of Edsel Ford, contributor to both expeditions.

Alfred Steinberg

His twelve books for the Lives to Remember Series included biographies of Herbert Hoover, James Madison, John Adams, Woodrow Wilson, Douglas MacArthur, the Kennedy brothers, Admiral Richard Byrd and Daniel Webster.

Aviator Nunatak

It was named by the Southern Party of the New Zealand Geological Survey Antarctic Expedition (1961–62) for the aviators of Rear Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd's flight to the South Pole in 1929.

Donald Finkel

He would interlace his poetry with sections taken from a wide range of works, including the writings of authors including Lenny Bruce, Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd, Albert Camus and Franz Kafka to create what The New York Times described as a "multilayered, sculptural bricolage through which Mr. Finkel expanded the reader's sense of what was possible in the genre."

Ernest Earl Lockhart

Following a year of study on fellowship at the Biochemical Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, E.E. Lockhart served as the physiologist on Rear Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd’s United States Antarctic Service Expedition of 1939-1941 to the South Pole.

Frank J. Rice

When Adm. Richard E. Byrd visited New Haven in 1947, he spoke before the people of New Haven at Rice Field.

John Balleny

The Balleny corridor through the Southern Ocean would be used by future explorers such as Robert Scott, Ernest Shackleton, Roald Amundsen, and Richard Byrd, and is used today by surface vessels resupplying McMurdo and other scientific bases located in and around the Ross Sea sector of Antarctica.

John Bolling

John and Mary Bolling's descendants are some of the only American descendants of Pocahontas, and include Edith Bolling Galt Wilson, wife of U. S. President Woodrow Wilson, Percival Lowell, Harry Flood Byrd and Richard Evelyn Byrd.

Lyric Opera House

The first public showing of electric cooking in Baltimore took place, as well as hosting speakers like Aimee Semple McPherson, Will Rogers, Richard Byrd, Clarence Darrow, Amelia Earhart, Charles Lindbergh and William Jennings Bryan.

Richard Evelyn Byrd, Sr.

One of his sons, Richard, became famous as a naval aviator who led an expedition to the South Pole; another, Harry, would serve as Governor of Virginia and in the United States Senate.

Russell Owen

That year he covered the air race to the North Pole, flying with Roald Amundsen (airship Norge) as far as Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard and meeting Richard Evelyn Byrd there.

see also