
5 unusual facts about Richard Pigott

John Charles Day

At the time it was said that it was on his insistence that early proof was tendered of the authenticity of the letters attributed to Parnell, which forced Richard Pigott into the witness box and led to the collapse of that part of the case.

Richard Pigott

As a young man he supported Irish nationalism and worked on the Nation and the Tablet before acting as manager of The Irishman, a newspaper founded by Denis Holland.

The Commission eventually produced 37 volumes in evidence, covering not just the forgeries but also the surrounding violence that followed from the Plan of Campaign.

Nothing was done about his accusation, which was publicised in the newspapers, and he turned against the League, which was allied to several Irish nationalist groups including the Irish Parliamentary Party led by Charles Stewart Parnell.

In 1879 Pigott was proprietor of three newspapers, which he soon sold to the Irish Land League, of which Charles Stewart Parnell was president.

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