He was son of John Garth MP and Rebecca, the daughter of John Brompton and granddaughter of Sir Richard Raynsford, Lord chief justice of the Kings bench.
Raynsford married at Kingsthorpe, on 30 May 1637, Catherine, daughter of Rev. Samuel Clerke, D.D., rector of St. Peter's, Northampton, who survived him, and died on 1 June 1698.
Rainsford was one of Sir Matthew Hale's colleagues in the commission which sat at Clifford's Inn between 1667 and 1672, under the Fire of London Disputes Act 1666 to determine the legal questions arising out of the rebuilding of the quarters of London destroyed by the great fire.
Rainsford died at Dallington, Northamptonshire, where he had his seat and founded an almshouse.
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