The Hebrew word for righteousness is tseh'-dek, tzedek, Gesenius's Strong's Concordance:6664—righteous, integrity, equity, justice, straightness.
There was quite a bit of controversy regarding the accuracy of the charge and righteousness of the conviction among the Jewish public and an outspoken supporter was the Chief Rabbi of Palestine, Rav Kook.
The full Armor of God quote outlines these aspects of belief: truth, righteousness, preparation of the Gospel of peace, faith, salvation and the Word of God and Prayer.
Another possible reason for racial restriction has been called by Colin Kidd "Mormon karma", where skin color is perceived as evidence of righteousness (or its lack thereof) in a pre-mortal existence.
In 2005, Susan Stoderl's opera about Fern, titled A.F.R.A.I.D. (American Females for Righteousness Abasement Ignorance & Docillity), premiered as the inaugural show of the Brooklyn Repertory Opera, at the New York International Fringe Festival.
Umar bin Hafiz was born in Tarim, Hadhramaut, Yemen, and raised in a household that possessed a tradition and lineage of Islamic scholarship and righteousness by his father.
Alma recounts his own conversion, exhorts Helaman to righteousness, and confers stewardship of the sacred records and other artifacts (including the "interpreters", or Urim and Thummim).
In fact, N. T. Wright says, Paul is speaking here of the apostles, and pointing out that in their role as apostles, their activity is effectively God's righteousness (covenant faithfulness) in action ("we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God" - vv 20-21).
N. T. Wright, who is one of the best-known advocates of the New Perspective on Paul, explains that although the "righteousness of God" and "righteousness from God" have been confused and conflated in the past, they are distinct concepts.
But their acts of righteousness were met with a harsh reprimand from officials in Matsumoto.
Supervising land-revenue collection and farming during the British Raj, he was famous in the region for his religiosity, righteousness, and generosity.
In an interview with Padraig O'Malley on 27 September 1997 he stated that exposure to people like Beyers Naudé, the thinking of Steve Biko, and works like A Taste of Power (by Randall) lead him and others to acknowledge the righteousness of aspirations which were not satisfied but were being actively suppressed.
The Two Kinds of Righteousness is explicitly mentioned in Luther’s 1518 sermon entitled Two Kinds of Righteousness, in Luther’s Galatians Commentary (1535), in his Bondage of the Will, Melanchthon’s Apology of the Augsburg Confession, and in the third article of the Formula of Concord.
Tzedek, the root of tzedakah, means justice or righteousness.
It is based on the Hebrew word (צדק, Tzedek) meaning righteousness, fairness or justice, and it is related to the Hebrew word Tzadik meaning righteous as an adjective (or righteous individual as a noun in the form of a substantive).