
3 unusual facts about Rijsttafel

Nasi campur

Yet nasi campur is commonly perceived as steamed rice surrounded with various dishes that might consists of vegetables and meats, served in personal portion, in contrast of tumpeng that served in larger collective portion or Rijsttafel that setted in lavish colonial banquet.

The categorization of Nasi Campur in this manner makes as much sense as categorizing all buffets with rice in them as Rijsttafel (or worse, nasi campur buffet) just because of the presence of any rice and assortment of dishes.

Tong Tong Fair

The classic ‘Rijsttafel’ (a Dutch word meaning `Rice-table’) is a prime example of a Eurasian culinary concept that wasn’t prevalent in pre-colonial Indonesia.


Rijsttafel |

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