The "Secret Mitchell" storyline was conceived in 2007, when story producer Dominic Treadwell-Collins first developed the idea of two new Mitchell sisters, Ronnie and Roxy (Rita Simons).
Before Northern Line, his first band was called Tantrum, in which he played with EastEnders actress Rita Simons and Duncan James.
Rita Hayworth | Hurricane Rita | Rita Coolidge | Rita | Rita Dove | Rita Moreno | Santa Rita Mountains | Santa Rita | Rita Ackermann | James Harris Simons | Educating Rita | St. Simons, Georgia | Rita Steblin | Rita Marley | Rita Lee | Rita Süssmuth | Rita Rudner | Rita Pavone | Rita of Cascia | Rita MacNeil | Rita Chiarelli | Paullina Simons | Rotten Rita | Rita Simons | Rita Ottervik | Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption | Rita Fan | Peter Simons | Nancy Simons | Maria Rita |