
2 unusual facts about Ritam Nereda

Ritam Nereda

Before the album release, the German authorities took over the album recordings, claiming that the label was breaking the economic sanctions imposed to Yugoslavia by the United Nations, but, after a compromise, made with the help of UNICEF, the album release was allowed.

Also, the live versions of the band songs "Nikad više" ("Nevermore"), and "Sama" appeared on the live various artists compilation Četiri godine na Golom otoku (Four Years at Goli otok) and Svi protiv svih (Everybody Against Everybody), recorded live at KST on December 9, 1995 at the TV Politika Paket Aranžman fifth anniversary, and released in 1998 by Hi-Fi Centar.


see also

Bilo jednom...

Most notable bands from the period are represented by their frontmen and/or other members, including Dr. Pop (Atheist Rap), Boban (Ritam nereda), Kebra (Obojeni Program), Robert and Relja (Generacija bez budućnosti - GBB), Vijetnamac and Marta (Zbogom Brus Li), Medan (Love Hunters), Ilija (Mitesers), Dules (Atheist Rap and Mitesers).

Authors used music videos by Generacija bez budućnosti, Obojeni Program, Ritam nereda, Atheist Rap, Zbogom Brus Li, Vrisak generacije, Boye, Love Hunters, DMT and Ska ringišpil.