
4 unusual facts about River Waveney

Richard Mabey

He now lives in the Waveney Valley in Norfolk, with his partner Polly Lavendar, and retreats to a boat on the Norfolk Broads.

River Waveney

With funds running low, a decision was taken to borrow the additional £50,000 which the enabling Act allowed and so a request was made to the Exchequer Bill Loan Commission for this amount.

The ice sheet closed the natural drainage from the Vale of Pickering, the Humber and The Wash so that a lake of a complex shape formed in the Vale of Pickering, the Yorkshire Ouse valley, the lower Trent valley and the Fenland basin.

St. Olaves Priory, Herringfleet

Founded in 1239, it was situated near the ancient ferry across the River Waveney.

River Little Ouse

It rises east of Thelnetham, very close to the source of the River Waveney - which flows eastwards while the Little Ouse flows west.

see also

Mutford and Lothingland Hundred

It was separated from Lothingland by Oulton Broad and Lake Lothing through which the River Waveney formerly flowed to reach the sea.