
unusual facts about River god


Achelous himself, god of that river, promised him his daughter, Callirrhoe in marriage if Alcmaeon would retrieve the necklace and clothes which Eriphyle wore when she persuaded Amphiaraus to take part in the battle.

see also

1494 Yellow River flood

Flood relief was directed by the grand eunuch Li Xing, who founded the city of Anping and established temples to the river god there and at Huanglinggan.



  • Asopis, one of the daughters of the river-god Asopus and Metope, daughter of the river-god Ladon.


    Her mother was either Tragasia, Cyanee, daughter of the river-god Meander, or Eidothea, daughter of King Eurytus of Caria.

    Capillaria philippinensis

    Witch doctors were hired by the locals to exorcise the curse placed on them by the river god, which they believed was responsible for this sudden disaster.

    Dujiangyan irrigation system

    It is here that Erlang Shen, the legendary son of Li Bing, is said to have chained the dragon that he and his 7 friends had captured in an ambush at the River God Temple when it came to collect a human sacrifice.


    Liriope (nymph), the mother of Narcissus by the river-god Cephissus, according to Ovid's Metamorphoses.


    Daphne, in an Arcadian version of the myth, was, instead, the daughter of the river god Ladon.


    Alcmaeon left his mother's, Eriphyle's, jewelry and clothing with him and then returned for it later in order to please the river god Achelous and have his daughter, Callirhoe, in marriage.

    Rhesus of Thrace

    Later writers provide Rhesus with a more exotic parentage, claiming that his mother was one of the Muses (Calliope, Euterpe, or Terpsichore), his father the river god Strymon, and he was raised by fountain nymphs.


    When the Sirens were given a name of their own, they were considered the daughters of the river god Achelous, fathered upon Terpsichore, Melpomene, Sterope, or Chthon (the Earth.