
2 unusual facts about Robert Baillie

Robert Baillie

, a sermon in which he criticises the rise of the early Baptist churches in England such as those lead by Thomas Lambe; An Historical Vindication of the Government of the Church of Scotland; The Life of William (Laud) now Lord Archbishop of Canterbury Examined (London, 1643); A Parallel of the Liturgy with the Mass Book, the Breviary, the Ceremonial and other Romish Rituals (London, 1661).

Among his works are Ladensium Aὐτοκατάκρισις, an answer to Lysimachus Nicanor by John Corbet in the form of an attack on Laud and his system, in reply to a publication which charged the Covenanters with Jesuitry; Anabaptism, the true Fountain of Independency, Brownisme, Antinomy, Familisme, etc.

see also

James Roberton

He was born to Archibald Roberton of Stainhall, youngest son of John Roberton 9th Laird of Earnock, and Elizabeth Baillie, daughter of Robert Baillie of Jerviston.

Kerelaw House

Davis refers to this property as an exceptionally attractive and delightful little mansion, built around 1720 for Robert Baillie, father of Lesley Baillie, Burns's 'Bonnie Lesley'.