Robert Brook Aspland (1805 – 1869), English Unitarian minister and editor; son of the above
A selection from his letters and papers was edited by Robert Brook Aspland, in the Christian Reformer (1854 pp. 224 sq., 358 sq., 613 sq., 1855 pp. 365 sq.).
Robert Brook Aspland remarks that it was not till after her death that he began to publish those of his works which were considered heretical.
He took up the editorship of the Christian Reformer on his father's death in 1845, keeping it till the publication ceased in 1863.
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He contributed theological and critical articles to the Christian Reformer, edited by his friend Robert Brook Aspland; in 1857 and 1858 he wrote anonymously there a series of semi-autobiographical sketches, under the title A Minister's Retrospect; from 1876 he contributed to the Christian Life edited by Robert Spears.