Robert Cummings portrayed George Petty in the imaginary musical comedy The Petty Girl (Columbia, 1950), directed by Henry Levin and featuring the film debut of Tippi Hedren as one of the Petty Girls.
Released in 1942, with some of the more controversial portions of the novel toned down to satisfy the Hays Code, Kings Row starred Ronald Reagan, Ann Sheridan, and Robert Cummings.
Cherryman's last stint on Broadway was a starring role in the 1927 dramatic production of The Trial of Mary Dugan opposite actor Robert Cummings at the National Theatre.
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Moving into television in the 1960s, he composed the theme and background music for popular TV series including My Favorite Martian starring Ray Walston and Bill Bixby, and My Living Doll starring Robert Cummings and Julie Newmar.
At Montgomery Advertising in New York City, Duke Crawford (Robert Cummings) is having trouble handling the account of cosmetics manufacturer Michele Bennett (Anna Sten), one of the company's most important clients—and his former fiancée.
Neville's theology is critically engaged by numerous authors in a festschrift entitled, Theology in Global Context: Essays in Honor of Robert Cummings Neville (2004), edited by Amos Yong and Peter Heltzela.