
unusual facts about Robert Falk

Robert Falk

During the Khrushchev Thaw Falk became popular among young painters and many considered him to be the main bridge between the traditions of the Russian and French Moderne of the beginning of 20th century and Russian avant-garde and the Russian avant-garde of the 1960s.

Igor Savitsky

Thereafter, Savitsky began collecting the works of Central Asian artists, including Alexander Volkov, Ural Tansykbayev and Victor Ufimtsev of the Uzbek school, and later those of the Russian avant-garde – including Kliment Red'ko, Lyubov Popova, Mukhina, Ivan Koudriachov and Robert Falk – whose paintings, although already recognized in Western Europe (especially in France), had been banned in the Soviet Union during Joseph Stalin’s rule and through the 1960s.

see also

Eddie Hubbard

Hubbard was married to Jackie Smith (née Alice Jacqueline Hartman), first publicity director of Mercury Records, and the mother of Conrad Robert Falk, who would later become actor Robert Conrad.