It was laid out by John J. Cozad in 1871 (father of Robert Henri), who hoped to prosper from the site's location on the Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad (later the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad).
Artist Robert Henri came to Achill on a regular basis in the early decades of the 20th century.
His style varies: some works show affinity with the delicate expressiveness of John Marin and Cézanne, while others lean towards the brusquer social realism of Diego Rivera or Robert Henri.
Among his close friends in New York art circles were members of the Ashcan school of social realism, especially Robert Henri and John Sloan.
Robert Louis Stevenson | Robert De Niro | Robert E. Lee | Henri Matisse | Robert Mugabe | Robert Redford | Robert Burns | Robert Bosch GmbH | Robert | Robert A. Heinlein | Robert Schumann | Robert Browning | Robert Rauschenberg | Robert Plant | Robert Altman | Robert Mitchum | Robert Frost | Robert Southey | Robert F. Kennedy | Robert Maxwell | Robert Graves | Robert E. Howard | Robert Fripp | Robert Fisk | Robert Rodriguez | Robert Motherwell | Robert Lowell | Robert Johnson | Robert Duvall | Robert Boyle |
Dix herself was the subject of two portraits by renowned artist Robert Henri, to whom she was introduced in 1910 by prominent Irish artist John Butler Yeats.
Belcher graduated from Newark High School in 1900 and later moved to New York City to attend the New York School of Art, where she studied with William Merritt Chase, Kenneth Hayes Miller, and Robert Henri.
Robert Henri and James Wilson Morrice, for example, painted such sketches on small wood panels that would fit in a coat pocket along with oil paint tubes.
Artists represented include John Singer Sargent and Childe Hassam as well as several artists of importance to American Art, including Albert Bierstadt, Rembrandt Peale, Edward Hicks, Thomas Moran, Edward Hopper, Robert Henri, Edward Potthast, and Charles Bird King.
The show featured easel works by George Bellows, Robert Henri, F. Martin Hennings, and Leon Kroll, who were working in the Southwest at that time, along with the "Taos Six" (Oscar E. Berninghaus, Ernest Blumenschein, Irving Couse, Herbert Dunton, Bert Geer Phillips, and Joseph Henry Sharp) and other members of the Taos Society.