
unusual facts about Robert Lee, 4th Earl of Lichfield

Daniel R. Fraser

Since the electoral system at the time had four aldermen elected to two year terms each year, Fraser's sixth place showing would normally have been insufficient to be elected; however, two of the aldermen elected in 1907 (Robert Lee and Thomas Bellamy) had resigned, allowing Fraser and fifth place finisher Andrew Agar to be elected for one year to serve out their terms.

Henry Dillon, 11th Viscount Dillon

As the eldest surviving child of the second Earl of Lichfield, Charlotte Lee inherited the estate of her uncle, the fourth Earl, when he died childless in 1776.

Robert Lee, 4th Earl of Lichfield

In 1744 Charlotte had married Viscount Dillon.

Robert Lee, Texas

Dean E. Hallmark, born in Robert Lee on January 20, 1914, served as the command pilot of B-25 #6, the "Green Hornet," on Jimmy Doolittle's Tokyo Raid of April 18, 1942.

His remains were located after the war and interred at Arlington National Cemetery.

Lee served in Texas from 1856 to 1861 as a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army Second Cavalry, during which time he distinguished himself as a scout and engineer.

see also