
4 unusual facts about Robert McGill Loughridge

Robert McGill Loughridge

The books prepared and published by Loughridge, with the assistance of his interpreter, were a hymn book, a catechism, translation of the Gospel of Matthew, a treatise on baptism, and a dictionary in two parts, Creek and English, and English and Creek.

The Mission was situated one and one-half miles east of the Arkansas River, and twenty-four miles northhwest of Fort Gibson.

The trustees selected a beautiful site on the south side of the Arkansas River, surrounded in the distance by several grand old mountains.

There was a large brick building, three stories high, erected for the Tullahassee school; the building was "admirably arranged", for a boarding school for both boys and girls; it was located on a ridge, in the Arkansas district, one and a-half miles north of the Arkansas River.

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