In 1847 he went to New Zealand as Brigade Major on staff of Major-General George Dean Pitt (1781–1851), and in the same capacity served Major-General Robert Wynyard (1802–1864) on the death of General Pitt.
On 31 August he appointed Thomas Forsaith, Jerningham Wakefield and James Macandrew to the Executive Council, but when Parliament met again it moved a motion of no confidence in the members.
Robert Wynyard, the administrator filling in after Grey's departure and before the arrival of the next Governor, Colonel Thomas Gore Browne, formed an Executive Council led by James FitzGerald (the Fitzgerald Ministry).
His father, Henare Wynyard, was said to be the son of Robert Wynyard, acting governor of New Zealand.
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The Acting Governor, Robert Wynyard, did not agree, however, saying that the levers of government could not be turned over to Parliament without approval from Britain.