
3 unusual facts about Robert of Molesme

Robert of Molesme

Meanwhile, the monastery at Cîteaux, under the direction of Albéric, and especially Stephen Harding, became the cornerstone for the new Cistercian Order, which grew to greater fame in the 12th century under Bernard of Clairvaux.

Renaud, the viscount of Beaune, owned a desolate valley in a deep forest, which he gave to Robert and his companions, and thus they founded Cîteaux Abbey.

Stephen Harding and Saint Alberic – two of Robert's monks from Molesme – were pivotal in founding the new house, as Robert ended up staying for only a year.

Molesme Abbey

Molesme Abbey was founded in 1075 by Robert, afterwards known as Robert of Molesme and Saint Robert.

see also