Activities offered include the Coconino High School Student Council, SkillsUSA, All Stars, Aztecca, Drama Club, the Coconino High School chapter of the National Honor Society, Native American Club, Rocketry Club and the Fabric Arts Club.
Amateur rocketry, a hobby in which participants experiment with fuels or custom rocket motors
SAASA membership is open and was established to support the interests of rocketeers, in South Africa, to ensure the hobby remains safe and legal.
Tripoli Rocketry Association | Rocketry | Team America Rocketry Challenge | battleship (rocketry) | Amateur rocketry | amateur rocketry |
After the war, when there were massive layoffs, Fry had moved to Oregon to find a way to make a living, and because of Fry's work with Edmund Sawyer at Crescent and other related rocketry work, he got a job with Aerojet setting up instrumentation to test rockets at the test range in White Sands, New Mexico.
Lenthan has sent away for a human expert on rocketry but has instead gotten Zifnab, a bizarre long-bearded fellow who seems utterly senile, especially since he seems to think he's some person named "James Bond" one moment, and "Dorothy Gale" the next; his "dog Toto" (actually one of Pryan's native "dragons") spends a lot of time reining him in.
Similar in some respects to Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, FOGE sponsors monthly after-school (or evening) "Mission Team" meetings and periodic field trips, where adult volunteers teach space subjects and lead the participants in projects in space science, earth science, engineering and rocketry.
He subsequently held the positions of Minister for Aviation Supply and Aerospace Minister (1970-2) where he was responsible for the cancellation of the Black Arrow rocketry programme but provided financial assistance to Rolls-Royce (whose Filton, Bristol factory was within his constituency) when it ran into difficulties that hampered its defence commitments.
Kramarov was strongly involved in the promotion of rocketry and space travel in the Soviet Union, and was a founder and the chairman of the Society for Studies of Interplanetary Travel in 1924.
The Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Foundation (1924–June 30, 2011) awarded grants initially in the fields of aviation and rocketry and, after 1972, in criminal justice.
Believed to have been first tried within the first six months of 1916, future German rocketry pioneer Leutnant Rudolf Nebel, then flying as a fighter pilot with Jasta 5, one of the earliest German fighter squadrons within the Luftstreitkräfte, used a Halberstadt D.II aircraft of that unit in the first known German attempt at arming an aircraft with wing-mounted rockets as long range armament.
He was among the scientists to surrender and travel to the United States to provide rocketry expertise via Operation Paperclip which took them first to Fort Bliss, Texas (1945–1949).
His association with Lippisch also allowed him to participate in the 1928 rocketry experiments carried out for Fritz von Opel.
Nikolai Kibalchich (1850–1881), a Russian/Ukrainian scientist, revolutionary, terrorist, pioneer of rocketry.
The International Astronomical Union honoured the rocketry pioneer by naming a crater on the moon Kibal'chich.
While in Berlin, he attended a public lecture on rocketry by Rudolf Nebel on behalf of Germany's amateur rocket group, the Verein für Raumschiffahrt (VfR - "Spaceflight Society") and joined the group straight away, becoming very active in its efforts to build a working rocket that resulted in the Mirak and Repulsor rockets, providing his family's farm as a testing ground.
For von Opel, these were publicity stunts for the Opel company, and for Valier, a way of further raising interest in rocketry amongst the general population.
He used captured German V-2 rockets for his investigations and later he used improved rocketry produced by the U.S.
Project Highwater was an experiment carried out as part of two of the test flights of NASA's Saturn I launch vehicle (using battleship upper stages), successfully launched into a sub-orbital trajectory from Cape Canaveral, Florida.
Team America Rocketry Challenge (TARC), an American model rocketry competition for high school students
11th century AD - The first documented record of gunpowder and the fire arrow, an early form of rocketry, appears in the Chinese text Wujing Zongyao.
In addition, Notice to Airmen (NOTAM's) are issued to pilots of aircraft notifying them of the rocket launching site and times of rocketry activity.