
7 unusual facts about Roda de Isábena

Battle of Altafulla

Uncowed by his defeat, Eroles repulsed Jean Raymond Charles Bourke's French force when it attacked him at Roda de Isábena on 5 March.

Joaquín Ibáñez, Baron de Eroles

On 5 March he defeated a French force that attacked him at Roda de Isábena.

Raymond of Roda

He also expanded the holdings of the cathedral of Roda and increased its economic clout in the city and its environs.

Roda de Isábena

Roda d'Isàvena is a village in the municipality of Isàvena, in the region of Ribagorça, in the province of Huesca, Spain.

Located near the Isàvena river, the county of Ribagorza was one of the founding domains from which was built the Kingdom of Aragon.

The removal of the see, first to Lleida and then to the diocese of Barbastro-Montsó reduced the importance of the locality.

William Isarn

With it William proceeded to expel the Córdoban garrisons occupying the valley of the Isábena, and especially the episcopal seat of Roda.

see also