Blurb, Inc. is the updated paperback release of the original hardcover book published in 2008 by Rodale, Inc.
A Rodale-funded restoration put furniture back in their correct rooms.
In 2000, Magicalia started to help publishers create and publish their own websites, with clients such as Runner's World (Rodale).
My Prison Without Bars is Pete Rose's autobiography, published by Rodale Press on January 8, 2004.
Reed is the author of the book The Extra Mile: One Woman's Personal Journey to Ultra-Running Greatness Rodale, Inc. (ISBN 1-59486-415-2).
Rodale, Inc. | Rodale | The Rodale Institute | J. I. Rodale |
In addition to her contributions with Dr. Sacks (including his 1995 volume An Anthropologist on Mars), Dr. Tomaino’s work has been featured in such other books as A Matter of Dignity by Andrew Potok, The Mozart Effect by Don Campbell, Sounds of Healing by Mitchell Gaynor, M.D. and Age Protectors (Rodale Press) and covered by television programs and networks as the BBC and such CBS News’ staples as 60 Minutes and 48 Hours.
After Rodale Press acquired the George A. Hirsch magazine Runner from CBS Magazines in January 1987 and merged it into Runner's World magazine, Perlis was replaced as publisher of Runner's World magazine by Hirsch.
Shawn Lawrence Otto Fool Me Twice: Fighting The Assault On Science In America Rodale Books (2011) ISBN 978-1-60529-217-5
The Runner (magazine), 1970s running magazine bought by Rodale in 1987 and merged with Runner's World