
9 unusual facts about Roger Heim

Inocybe godeyi

Other synonyms include Roger Heim's 1931 Inocybe rickenii and Inocybe boltonii.


It is a monotypic genus, containing the single species Phlebonema chrysotingens, described by Roger Heim in 1929 from Madagascar.

Psilocybe aztecorum

The species was first reported by French mycologist Roger Heim in 1956 as a variety of Psilocybe mexicana before he officially described it under its current name a year later.

The species was first mentioned by French mycologist Roger Heim in 1956 based on material collected by American ethnomycologist R. Gordon Wasson in Paso de Cortés, on the slopes of Popocatépetl mountain in Mexico.

Psilocybe muliercula

Unable to locate this species in the field, botanist Roger Heim and mycologist Rolf Singer based their descriptions of this mushroom on dried specimens purchased from Matlatzinca Indians in the marketplace of Tenango del Valle, in the Nevado de Toluca region of the state of Mexico.

In 1958 Roger Heim described this fungus as Psilocybe wassonii, but without any Latin designation; Rolf Singer and Alexander Hanchett Smith described it in the same year as Psilocybe muliercula (muliercula = "little women").

Psilocybe zapotecorum

1963: Roger Heim describes this mushroom in the work "Les Champignons Toxiques et Hallucinogènes."

Robert Mouzillat

The publicity afforded by this success attracted the attention of Professor Roger Heim of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle.

Russula densifolia

Other synonyms include Rolf Singer's 1931 variety caucasica, Roger Heim's 1938 variety latericola, and C. Dagron's 1999 variety colettarum.

see also