In 1985, the MTA lifted the ban on subway performance in response to a case against Roger Manning in which the ban on performance was found to be unconstitutional.
Roger Moore | Roger Corman | Roger Federer | Roger Daltrey | Who Framed Roger Rabbit | Roger Waters | Roger Maris | Roger McGuinn | Peyton Manning | Beaumont-le-Roger | Roger Zelazny | Roger Ebert | Roger Clemens | Roger Smith | Roger Miller | Roger Tory Peterson | Eli Manning | Manning Sherwin | Roger Vadim | Roger Sanchez | Roger Blench | Roger Williams | Roger & Me | Roger Taylor | Roger Staubach | Roger Heim | Roger Goodell | Roger Douglas | Archie Manning | Terry Manning |
On this track, Starr is lead vocalist and plays drums, with members of both the Bonnie Raitt band and Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers joining him; personnel includes Benmont Tench on piano and organ, James Hutchinson on bass, Michael Landau and David Grissom on guitars, and Andrew Sturmer, Roger Manning and Andrew Gold on background vocals.
Many well known East Village performers, including Roger Manning, Fly (artist), Lach, Paleface, John S. Hall, and Brenda Kahn were regulars at this Sunday night event.