Roger Moore | Roger Corman | Roger Federer | Roger Daltrey | Who Framed Roger Rabbit | Roger Waters | Get Smart | Roger Maris | Roger McGuinn | Beaumont-le-Roger | Roger Zelazny | Roger Ebert | Roger Clemens | Roger Smith | Roger Miller | Roger Tory Peterson | Roger Vadim | Roger Sanchez | Roger Blench | Roger Williams | Roger & Me | Roger Taylor | Roger Staubach | Roger Heim | Roger Goodell | Roger Douglas | Roger Williams (theologian) | Roger Sherman | Roger Mayweather | Roger Lancelyn Green |
This system produced many future Swindon greats – Trollope, Mike Summerbee, Bobby Woodruff, Ernie Hunt, Keith Morgan, Roger Smart, Rod Thomas, David 'Bronco' Layne and Don Rogers to name but a few – and, as they gradually climbed the league table, the team earned the nickname, "Bert's Babes".