The gravy is very thick and very spicy and the Rui fish (Rohita) is most popular for this.
The dish consists of either fresh or fermented rice, kneaded with boiled fish (usually caught from the Inle Lake, such as nga gyin), fresh tomato paste, mashed boiled potatoes and garlic garnish.
The kinds of fish that typically used in Bengali and Oriya households are Hilsa (called Ilisi), Rohu (called Rohi), and Catla (called Bhakura).
Sardar Fish (Ramgarh Bus Stop), Rehman Fish (Al Rehman Mosque, Ramgarh Bazar) and Siddiq Fish (Majan Wala Adda) are the best places to have fried masala fish (Usually Rohu and Baam).
Rohu |