
3 unusual facts about Rollie's Follies

Pat Venditte

A film of the incident received notoriety on the Internet and the tale was recounted in a number of places, including within the baseball compendium Rollie's Follies.

Rollie's Follies

The Switch is On (The tale of switch-pitcher Pat Venditte successfully playing a game of cat and mouse against a switch-hitter)

The illustrations of Jerry Dowling (the award-winning Cincinnati cartoonist) nationally known for his caricatures of Marge Schott are used on the cover and throughout the book.

Decipher, Inc.

Seeing the opportunity in this market, game designers Tom Braunlich and Rollie Tesh (both former Pente world champions) conceptualized a media license-based CCG, and in November 1993 approached Decipher with the idea.

Mickey's Follies

The animals in the barnyard are watching a series of short song and dance numbers performed by other barnyard animals, similar to the Ziegfeld Follies of the day.

see also