
unusual facts about Roman military


Thayer also provides topical indices for subjects such as the Roman military, law, and daily life.

Linda A. Malcor

She is one of the proponents of the theory (or related theories) that states that the historical basis for King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table were a 2nd-century Roman officer named Lucius Artorius Castus and Sarmatian auxiliary horsemen, which Artorius supposedly commanded in Britain.


It was built in 273 AD, during the reign of Roman emperor Aurelian and was also used as a way station for the Roman military in Lebanon

Simon Scarrow

He is best known for his Eagle Series of Roman Military fiction set in the territories of the Roman Empire, covering the second invasion of Britain and the subsequent prolonged campaign undertaken by the rump of the Julio-Claudian dynasty.

Wales in the Roman era

On the eve of the Roman invasion of Wales, the Roman military under Governor Aulus Plautius was in control of all of southeastern Britain as well as Dumnonia, perhaps including the lowland English Midlands as far as the Dee Estuary and the River Mersey, and having an understanding with the Brigantes to the north.

see also


It was probably named after the Roman military commander Flavius Armatus.


From the middle of the first century a Roman military road connected it to the capital of the Roman province of Nervii in Bavay (Bagacum Nerviorum).


The validity of these arguments is currently in doubt, mainly due to the identification of Ptolemy's Leukaristos, located at a latitude similar to that of Kalisz, with the name Laugaritio/Leugaritio certainly referring to the town of Trenčín in Slovakia (this identification is confirmed by a rock inscription made in the winter of 179/180 CE by a Roman military unit, and the biography of the unit's commander, M. Valesius Maximianus, carved on his tomb in Diana Veteranorum in today's Algeria).

Equestrian Portrait of Charles V

Drawing on sources such as Roman military art (the statue of Marcus Aurelius on horseback), Renaissance equestrian imagery such as the engravings of Hans Burgkmair, and possibly Dürer's 1513 engraving Knight, Death and the Devil, Titian departs from the traditional rendering of rider on horse, in which one of the horse's front legs is raised (as seen in the gallery of Roman and Renaissance works below).

Gothic paganism

A civil strife between the Christian reiks Fritigern and the pagan reiks Athanaric prompted Roman military intervention on the side of the Christian party, leading to the Gothic War (376–382).

Robert O. Fink

Robert Orwill Fink (4 November 1905, Geneva, Indiana – 17 December 1988, Mount Vernon, Ohio) was a papyrologist with a special interest in Roman military papyri.

The Very Old Folk

It is a recording of a dream, where the main protagonist is a Roman military official in the Basque country near Pompelo.


Triarii, elements of early Roman military legions, consisting of wealthy and older man