
98 unusual facts about Holy Roman Emperor

1817 in birding and ornithology

Emperor Franz II of Austria finances an expedition to Brazil on the occasion of the wedding of his daughter Archduchess Leopoldina to the Portuguese crown prince, Dom Pedro of Alcantara Johann Natterer was the zoologist on the expedition and was accompanied by other naturalists including Johann Baptist von Spix and Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius.


Declining to be classed either as Christians or Jews, they were excluded from the edict of toleration promulgated by Emperor Joseph II in 1781, and deported to various parts of the country, the men being drafted into frontier regiments.

Accademia Fiorentina

In 1783, by order of Grand Duke Pietro Leopoldo, the Accademia Fiorentina was merged, together with the Accademia degli Apatisti and the Accademia della Crusca, into the new Accademia Fiorentina Seconda.


In 1548, two years after the death of Martin Luther, the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V tried to unite Catholics and Protestants in his realm with a law called the Augsburg Interim.

Alcoy, Spain

During the War of Spanish Succession, Alcoi sided for the cause of archduke Charles, and was therefore besieged and stripped of numerous privileges, which started a period of decline.

Alonso Mudarra

He probably went to Italy in 1529 with Charles V, in the company of the fourth Duke of the Infantado, Íñigo López de Mendoza, marqués de Santillana.

Ambras Castle

About 300 portraits from the 15th to the 19th century, including King Albrecht II, Emperor Maximilian I, Charles V and Ferdinand I, to the last emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, Franz II, a contemporary of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Antiphonary of St. Benigne

His plan failed after the catastrophic defeat of his son Otto II near Reggio, but the role of Cluny as a centre for liturgical reforms had increased in Ottonic times.

Aulic Council

Originating during the later Middle Ages as a paid Council of the Emperor, it was organized in its later form by Maximilian I in 1497, as a rival to the Imperial Chamber Court, which the Imperial Diet had forced upon him.

Bad Belzig

A Slavic fort of Belizi was first mentioned in a 997 deed issued by Emperor Otto III in favour of the Archbishopric of Magdeburg.

Beaufort Castle, Luxembourg

In 1477, Maximilian of Austria transferred the castle to Johann Bayer von Boppard after Johann von Orley-Beaufort committed a breach in trust.

Brussels Protestant Church

From 1656 churches were again constituted and in 1781 obtained a measure of freedom under Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor.

Capitán Pastene

It appears as a lieutenant of Pedro de Valdivia and when King Charles V ordered the exploration of southern Chile, this task was entrusted to Pastene.

Charles, Duke of Calabria

While Charles' arrival checked Castruccio, he exacted onerous taxes from the Florentines, until he was recalled to Naples in December 1327 due to the advance of Emperor Louis IV into Italy.

Conrad of Urslingen

He briefly sheltered the young Emperor Frederick II at the Rocca and acted as the vicar of the Kingdom of Sicily, but in 1198 he was ordered to render Spoleto to the Pope and during his absence, Assisi rebelled and declared a commune.

Daniel Brendel von Homburg

During the Imperial election of 1562, Daniel Brendel voted for Maximilian, King of the Romans, later crowning Maximilian Holy Roman Emperor in Frankfurt in 1564.

De-Pierre Map

The map was dedicated to empress Elisabeth Christine, the wife of Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor.

Delaware Bay

In 1523 Lucas Vázquez de Ayllón had received from Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor a grant for the land explored in 1521 by Francisco Gordillo and slave trader Captain Pedro de Quejo (de Quexo).

Della Torre

Having tried to raise the people against the Emperor Henry VII, Guido was forced to flee, and died in 1312.

Francesco Torriani was counsellor of Emperor Ferdinand I, and Imperial baron and ambassador to Venice (1558).


The village’s name also crops up in a taxation list from Emperor Maximilian that dealt with the Gemeiner Pfennig, a levy of one Pfennig (or penny) imposed by the 1495 Diet of Worms (not the one commonly connected with Martin Luther).

Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, 1st Duke of the Infantado

Apparently, this title was awarded again by king Charles I of Spain, a.k.a. Holy Roman Emperor Charles V to Rodrigo Pacheco.

Donation of Constantine

During the Middle Ages, the Donation was widely accepted as authentic, although the Emperor Otto III did possibly raise suspicions of the document "in letters of gold" as a forgery, in making a gift to the See of Rome.

Duke of Joyeuse

::1690-1693 : Louis XIV confiscated the duchy after Charles François entered into the service of Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor. It was given to Charles' brother Jean François Paul.

East Flemish Rowing League

There is also a Charles V Cup, (named for Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor) with races for various boat types and categories of young to old, which takes place on the Canal Ghent-Bruges.

East Tyrol

Emperor Maximilian I of Habsburg finally incorporated it into Austrian Tyrol.


An early example is the Lombard League at the time of Frederick I "Barbarossa"; an example from Switzerland would be the "Burgundian Confederacy" of Bern.


The modern Western form of the practice of giving or exchanging engagement rings is traditionally thought to have begun in 1477 when Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor, gave Mary of Burgundy a diamond ring as an engagement present.


The staff of St. Peter, with which he had been raised to life, was preserved at Cologne until the end of the 10th century when the upper half was presented to Trier, and was afterwards taken to Prague by Emperor Charles IV.

Europa regina

In 1537, when the Europa regina was introduced, Holy Roman Emperor Charles V of Habsburg had united the lands of the Habsburg's in his hands, including his country of origin, Spain.


The head of the Holy Roman Empire alone could be prayed for with this formula, and the resignation in 1806 of the prerogatives of that position by Emperor Francis II of Austria, left that position unfilled thereafter, so that the prayer was in practice not used.


The earliest definitely datable example of fauxbourdon is in a motet by Dufay, Supremum est mortalibus, which was written for the treaty reconciling the differences between Pope Eugene IV and Sigismund, after which Sigismund was crowned as Holy Roman Emperor, which happened on May 31, 1433.

Flag of Sardinia

It's just in the time of the Catholic Monarchs and especially from the time of the Emperor Charles V, that the quattro mori are frequently used as a symbol of the Kingdom of Sardinia among the countless possessions of the Emperor, including in a book printed in the famous printing house of Plantin, Antwerp, representing the funeral procession of the same sovereign composed of bishops and harnessed horses with the insignia of each state.

František Adam Míča

Míča grew up in Moravia and moved with his father to Vienna, where he studied law and befriended the younger Mozart and was well-regarded by the Emperor Joseph II.

Frederick II of Sicily

Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor, who technically was Frederick I of Sicily but the regnal number II was used of him throughout his various realms

Frederick VI, Duke of Swabia

He was born in Modigliana, the third son of Frederick I Barbarossa and Beatrice I, Countess of Burgundy and brother of Henry VI, Holy Roman Emperor.

Free City of Besançon

Besançon became part of the Holy Roman Empire in 1034 and in 1134, as the Archbishopric of Besançon, it gained autonomy as a free imperial city under the Holy Roman Emperor.

Friedrich of Germany

Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor (1122–1190), or Frederick I Barbarossa, king of Germany

Further Austria

In 1665 the Habsburg lands were finally re-unified under the rule of Emperor Leopold I.

Galleria dell'Accademia

The Galleria dell'Accademia was founded in 1784 by Pietro Leopoldo, Grand Duke of Tuscany.

Georg von Speyer

Speyer obtained from Charles V the appointment of governor of New Granada, despite the claims of Nikolaus Federmann, who had been Ehinger's lieutenant.

Gertrude of Austria

Complicating Frederick II's hold over Austria was his long-standing quarrel with Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor, during which he was placed under an imperial ban.


In 1098 it was mentioned the first time as "Grandesdorf" in a letter of Heinrich IV.

Guillaume de Dole

The story begins at the court of Emperor Conrad, who for all of his good qualities has one defect: he refuses to get married, especially since, as he says, people no longer are as valiant and as noble as they used to be.

Gunther of Bohemia

In 1029 Conrad II richly endowed the monastery of Rinchnach, and in 1040 Emperor Henry III affiliated it with Niederaltaich Abbey.

Hans Maler zu Schwaz

He received commissions early on in his career from Ferdinand's grandfather, Maximilian I and was also commissioned in 1508 for frescoes depicting the Habsburg family tree in Ambras Castle.

Herman III, Duke of Swabia

Since he was a minor, Hermann's reign as duke was effectively controlled by his cousin, the King of Germany, Henry II, who was his guardian.


From 1553 until the abolishment of serfdom by Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor in 1781 Hertník belonged for the most part to the Forgách (Forgáč, Forgács) family.

Hesperange Castle

Maximilian of Austria dismantled the castle in 1480 and 1482 after battles with Gerard of Rodenmacher.

History of music in the biblical period

Lockyer writes that Charles V, the Holy Roman Emperor and champion of the pope, requested passages from his favorite psalm, Ps.


Hodod was given by King Rudolf II of Habsburg to the family Wesselényi, to whom it belongs to the 20th century.

Holy Roman Emperor

It remained so until 1648, when the settlement of the Thirty Years' War required the addition of a new elector to maintain the precarious balance between Protestant and Catholic factions in the Empire.

Jacques Philippe de Choiseul-Stainville

As a young man he served in the army of empress Maria Theresa and after becoming captain in a dragoon regiment he was made a commander of the Order of Saint Stephen, chamberlain to Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor, colonel of a regiment of light cavalry, major general and lieutenant field marshal in 1759.

Jean Richardot

The move earned him an appointment to the Privy Council of the rebels' Governor-General Archduke Matthias.

John Talbot Dillon

For a great part of this period, however, he was abroad, travelling in Italy and Spain, or residing in Vienna, where he enjoyed the favour of the Emperor Joseph II, from whom he received the title of Baron Dillon, of the Holy Roman Empire, on 4 July 1783.

Joseph Pérez

Among his books, he examines the independence movements of Latin America; Ferdinand and Isabella, the Catholic Monarchs; Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, and Philip II of Spain.

Juan Carvajal

He reconciled King Ladislaus the Posthumous (1457), with Emperor Frederick III, and in 1458 made peace between the Magyar nobles in favour of Matthias Corvinus as successor of Ladislaus.

Juan de Cartagena

Cartagena was named Inspector General (Veedor General) of the Armada de Molucca by King Charles V.

King Otto

Otto IV, Holy Roman Emperor, (1175 or 1176 – 1218), one of two rival kings of the Holy Roman Empire


The city did not regain its ancient rights until 1511, through the offices of Maximilian I.

Lorenz Leopold Haschka

He returned to Catholicism after the death of Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor, and was selected to compose a national anthem, which was first sung on 12 February 1797, at the celebration of Francis II's birthday.

Martina Pippal

: Der Einband and Die malerische Ausstattung des Sakramentars, in: 'Das Sakramentar Heinrichs II. - Handschrift Clm 4456 der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek München', commentary volume of the facsimile edition.

Martyn Rady

While a teacher at Mill Hill School in the 1980s Rady wrote several books for sixth-formers, including Emperor Charles V (Longman, 1987).

Matteo Maria Boiardo

Up to the year of his marriage to Taddea Gonzaga, the daughter of the Count of Novellara (1472), he had received many marks of favour from Borso d'Este, duke of Ferrara, having been sent to meet Frederick III (1469), and afterwards visiting Pope Paul II (1471) in the train of Borso.

Matthias II

Matthias, Holy Roman Emperor (1557–1619), Holy Roman Emperor, King of Hungary, Croatia and Bohemia

Mavrocordatos family

Alexander Mavrocordatos - son of the founder, styled "Serene Highness" (1699) by Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor

Mechanical calculator

In 1727, a German, Antonius Braun, presented the first fully functional four operations machine to Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor in Vienna.


Emperor Otto I defeated the Lusatians in 963 and placed them under the rule of Margrave Gero.

Nicolai Reymers Baer

He served as the official mathematician to the Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II.

Otto von Pack

In 1528 he revealed to Philip, Landgrave of Hesse, the details of a scheme agreed upon in Breslau by the archduke Ferdinand, afterwards the emperor Ferdinand I, and other influential princes, to conquer Hungary for Ferdinand and then to attack the reformers in Germany.

Pariser Einzugsmarsch

On 31 March 1814, it was played in presence by Emperor Francis II, Tsar Alexander I, and King Friedrich Wilhelm III during the expedition of the allied troops in Paris at the end of the War of the Sixth Coalition.


The principality was acknowledged by Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II in 1629.

Philipp von Neumann

In recognition of his services he was created a Baron by the Emperor Francis I of Austria on 31 August 1830.

Pierre Gaultier

Active in Italy in the early 1630s, he probably made the acquaintance of his future patron, prince Johann Anton I of Eggenberg (1610–1649), then ambassador of the emperor Ferdinand III to Pope Urban VIII in Rome in 1638.

Port of Hamburg

Founded on 7 May 1189 by Frederick I for its strategic location, it has been Central Europe's main port for centuries and enabled Hamburg to develop early into a leading city of trade with a rich and proud bourgeoisie.

Pucić noble family

The Emperor Leopold I, granted the title of Count and the predicate Di Zagorie on 20 September 1688 to Mateo Pucić, son of Lucijan Pucić and Marija Bunić.


King Sigismund declared a free mining enterprise and ordered to build fortifications.


In 1817, the local villagers complained to Holy Roman Emperor Francis I that they have had their taxes increased the past 10 years.


Viceroy Antonio de Mendoza then visited the area, under his appointment by King Charles I of Spain to pacify the various indigenous people of New Spain and to unify the territory, which was partially divided among competing conquistadors.


Various wars have been waged around the town, including the war of 1046 to 1056 between Baldwin V, Count of Flanders (the Pious) and Henry III, Holy Roman Emperor, one battle of which was fought between Arques and Aire-sur-la-Lys.

Robert Hallam

Sigismund, Holy Roman Emperor, through whose influence the council had been assembled, was absent during the whole of 1416 on a diplomatic mission in France and England; but when he returned to Constance in January 1417, as the open ally of the English king, Hallam as Henry V's trusted representative obtained increased importance, and contrived to emphasise English prestige by delivering the address of welcome to Sigismund.

Rudolph, Holy Roman Emperor

Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor (1552–1612), Holy Roman Emperor, King of Hungary, King of Bohemia and Archduke of Austria

Rudolphine Tables

Tycho had intended that the tables should have a dedication to Emperor Rudolf II, but by 1627, when the tables were published, Rudolf II had died, so instead the tables were dedicated to Emperor Ferdinand II but are named after Rudolph II.

Sabbionara Castle

In 1509 the castle was conquered by the troops of Maximilian I of Austria who, after painting his insignia on the façade, gave it to the counts of Arco.


In 1701, the Emperor Leopold I decreed Transylvania's Orthodox Church to be one with the Roman Catholic Church.

Soggetto cavato

In addition to his Hercules Mass, he wrote another soggetto cavato dedicated to Emperor Charles V entitled Missa Carolus Imperator Romanorum Quintus.


Two sourdines belonging to the Museum of the Brussels Conservatoire, said to be facsimiles of some instruments belonging to the emperor Maximilian I's band, are reproduced in Captain U. R. Day's Descriptive Catalogue of Musical Instruments (London, 1891).

Soulcalibur Legends

Later, Siegfried is tasked by the Masked Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire to find the remaining pieces of Soul Edge in order to use it to win the war against Barbaros of the Ottoman Empire.

Spanish missions in Mexico

In 1533, at the request of Hernán Cortés, Carlos V sent the first Franciscan monks with orders to establish a series of installations throughout the country.

St. Peter's Church, Jaffa

The church was built in 1654 in dedication to Saint Peter over a medieval citadel that was erected by Frederick II and restored by Louis IX of France at the beginning of the second half of the thirteenth century.

Sword of Saints Cosmas and Damian

It was a gift from Otto III, Holy Roman Emperor to the convent in Essen in 993 AD and symbolises the martyrdom of Saints Cosmas and Damian, the patron saints of that city.

The Smith of Kochel

Another legend attributed to him is leading the farmer rebellion against the imperial troops of the Habsburg Emperor Joseph I during the War of Spanish Succession.

Theobald I, Duke of Lorraine

In 1216, in the Champagne War of Succession, he supported Erard I, Count of Brienne, in his quarrel with Theobald IV, Count of Champagne, who was supported by Philip II of France, Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor, and Henry II of Bar.


Charles V issued the royal title and coat of arms on February 7, 1549, in appreciation of the city's loyalty and fame for being a powerful and wealthy region.

Trent Codices

Emperor Frederick III's cousin Sigismund, who was Duke of the Tyrol, had a large and sophisticated musical chapel at Innsbruck.

Valcău de Jos

King Sigismund of Luxemburg laid siege to it in 1404.

Veľké Lovce

The monastery along with the order were canceled by Joseph II.

Von Rothstein

His son, merchant Simon Petter Rothstein (1730–1806) was ennobled in 1782 by Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor with the name von Rothstein.

Adalbero of Styria

He sided with the Emperor in the investiture dispute, which led to a confrontation with his younger brother Ottokar II, who sided with the Pope and replaced him in 1082.

Adolf of Altena

He was a declared opponent of the plans for a hereditary empire of Emperor Henry VI and at Christmas 1195 refused Henry's wish for the election of his son Frederick Roger.

Bernardino of Siena

Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund sought Bernardino's counsel and intercession and Bernardino accompanied him to Rome in 1433 for his coronation.

Berno, Apostle of the Obotrites

For his protection and security Berno attended the court at Erfurt in November 1181, and on 2 December 1181 received the Emperor's confirmation of his ecclesiastical property.

Bolko III of Strzelce

In 1355, Bolko III, with several other Silesian Dukes, went to Italy with King Charles of Bohemia, who came to Rome for his coronation as Holy Roman Emperor; ten years later, in 1365, he made a journey from Luxembourg to Avignon, and in 1377, together with King Louis I of Hungary and Władysław Opolczyk, he made a military expedition to Bełz.

Burg Gutenfels

It was used with Pfalzgrafenstein Castle in the middle of the Rhein and the fortified city of Kaub on the far side to provide an impenetrable toll zone for the Holy Roman Emperor until Prussia purchased the area (1866) and ended this toll in 1867.

Camera degli Sposi

This fresco shows Ludovico in official robes in an ideal meeting with his son, Cardinal Francesco Gonzaga, the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick III and Christian I of Denmark.

Cunigunde of Luxembourg

Saint Cunigunde of Luxembourg, O.S.B. (c. 975 – 3 March 1040 at Kaufungen), also called Cunegundes and Cunegonda, was the wife of the Holy Roman Emperor Saint Henry II.

Declaration of Pillnitz

Declaration of Pillnitz was a statement issued on 27 August 1791 at Pillnitz Castle near Dresden (Saxony) by the Habsburg Holy Roman Emperor Leopold II and Frederick William II of Prussia.

Elias of Cortona

About 1238, Pope Gregory sent Elias as an ambassador to the excommunicated Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II; apparently, as a result, Elias became a supporter of the Emperor.

Erp, Netherlands

In 1579, seven Northern Dutch provinces declared their independence, while Brabant remained part of the Spain of Philip II, son of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V.

Four Provinces Flag of Ireland

The arms of the Regensburg Schottenklöster, which date from at least the 14th century, combined the arms of the Holy Roman Emperor (from whom the abbey received protection) dimidiated with a symbol that may be linked with the crest of the O'Brien dynasty arms (an 11th-century O'Brien is listed as the "fundator" of the abbey).

Frederick V, Burgrave of Nuremberg

From the death of his father in 1357, Frederick bore the title of Burgrave and so was responsible for the protection of the strategically significant imperial castle of Nuremberg.

Guido Bonatti

His employers were all Ghibellines (supporters of the Holy Roman Emperor), who were in conflict with the Guelphs (supporters of the Pope), and all were excommunicated at some time or another.

Guigues V of Albon

Two years later, on 13 January 1155, Guigues was in Rivoli, near Turin, to recognise the suzerainty of the Holy Roman Emperor, Frederick Barbarossa, for his lands.


Another early record of a Habersack comes from the era of Maximillian II, Holy Roman Emperor in the 16th century.

Imperial vicar

When a King or Holy Roman Emperor died, if a King of the Romans had not already been elected, there would be no new Emperor for a matter of several months until all the Electors, or their representatives, could assemble for a new Imperial election.

Isaac II Angelos

In 1189 the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa sought and obtained permission to lead his troops on the Third Crusade through the Byzantine Empire; but he had no sooner crossed the border than Isaac, who had meanwhile sought an alliance with Saladin, threw every impediment in his way.

John IV of Naples

In 999, he was captured and taken a prisoner first to Capua, then back to Germany by Otto III, the Holy Roman Emperor, who had just visited Saint Nilus the Younger in Gaeta.

Josse Ravesteyn

On the recommendation of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V he was sent to the Council of Trent (1551) and took an active part in the preparatory work of Sessions XIII-XVI.


Rule of the island was passed from the Normans to the Hohenstaufen Kings, followed by the Angevins, and then the Aragonese, until Carlos I, the Aragonese King became the Spanish King, and then quickly was crowned Holy Roman Emperor Charles V.

March of Friuli

The conflict was settled at the 952 diet of Augsburg, where Berengar II was allowed to retain the royal title as a German vassal, but had to cede Friuli as the March of Verona to Duke Henry I of Bavaria, brother of King Otto I. On February 2, 962 Otto was crowned Holy Roman Emperor at Rome, deposed King Berengar II and had him arrested and exiled one year later.

Matthew 4:9

In a famous letter, Pope Gregory VII used this section to assert his precedence over the Holy Roman Emperor.

Miguel José de Bournonville, 1st Duke of Bournoville

He became Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Spain in Versailles, France, in 1722 and in Vienna in 1726 under Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI, (1685–1740).

Palace of the Kings of Majorca

In 1415, the Holy Roman Emperor, Sigismund of Luxemburg, organised a European summit in Perpignan, to convince the Avignon Antipope Benedict XIII to resign his office and take to an end the Western Schism through the Council of Constance.

Prösels Castle

In 1498 Leonhard, thanks to his friendship with the Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I and Archduke of Austria, became governor of the County of Tyrol.


Cecco and other citizens discuss the negotiations of the patricians with the Pope and with the Emperor of Germany.

Rudolf von Tiefenbach

In 1631, after Torquato Conti retired from his post, von Tiefenbach was elevated to the rank of Feldmarschall by the Holy Roman Emperor.

Ruy López de Dávalos

Hernando Dávalos made part of the well documented Toledo "Comuneros" fighting against the extra tax contributions, circa 1518, asked for by king Charles I of Spain (Holy Roman Emperor Charles V) to bend the wishes of the German Electors in his wishes of becoming a Holy Roman Emperor.

Sicard of Cremona

In 1205 Sicardo returned to Cremona where he supported Frederick II against the Holy Roman Emperor Otto IV of Braunschweig.

Sigismund, Holy Roman Emperor

Born in Nuremberg, Sigismund was the son of the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles IV, and of his fourth wife, Elizabeth of Pomerania, the granddaughter of King Casimir III of Poland, and the great-granddaughter of the Grand Duke of Lithuania, Gediminas.

Sixth Crusade

The diplomatic maneuvering of the Holy Roman Emperor, Frederick II resulted in the Kingdom of Jerusalem regaining control of Jerusalem and other areas for fifteen years.

Vital Equine

His final 3 starts as a 2 year old were all in Group 1's where he finished 3rd behind Holy Roman Emperor in the Prix Jean-Luc Lagadere at Longchamp, 5th behind Teofilo and Holy Roman Emperor in the Dewhurst Stakes and a disappointing 8th in the Grand Criterium de Saint-Cloud.

William I of Sicily

The barons, always chafing against the royal power, were encouraged to revolt by Pope Adrian IV, whose recognition William had not yet sought, by the Byzantine Emperor Manuel I Comnenus, and by the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I.