
2 unusual facts about Romansh


Dealer (in Romansh, scartist) will have two odd cards, counting for combined value, minus one point.

The cards are referred to in play by their Romansh (Rhæto-Romanic) names, but bear legends in French.

Hans Herbjørnsrud

The team moved the story to Switzerland and substituted standard German, Swiss German, Romansh and various Swiss dialects for the original's languages and dialects.


Rhaeto-Romance languages, a group of languages in the Alps comprising the Friulian, Ladin and Romansh languages


Right in the heart of the mainly Romansh-speaking Surselva (which encompasses the valley of the Vorderrhein, along with all of its side valleys, among others the Val Lumnezia), Obersaxen is an island of German-speakers.


The name comes quite likely from the German-speaking part of the Alps, which is Austria (with its languages Burgenland Croatian, Slovene, Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, and Romani), Germany (Bavaria and Baden-Wuerttemberg), South Tyrol in Italy (with its languages German, Italian, and Ladin), and Switzerland (with its languages German, French, Italian, and Romansh), but it could be originated everywhere in the German language area, where a hill or a mountain was populated.


Galo dialect drift Italico (Lombard language), mixture of French, Italian and German or maybe the (Romansh) spoken in the Canton of Grisons (Graubünden (Switzerland), Lombardy (Italy) and Canton of Ticino (Switzerland), whose etymology seems to be very old and date back to the time of Gaul, which was inhabited by Celtic tribes, between present-Switzerland, part of Belgium, part of Austria and northern Italy.


In the 6th century the German speaking Bavarii started to inhabit the plateau, gradually extruding the Romansh from day to day language.


In the same year a dedicated Romansh broadcasting unit was created in Chur, using some of the new German-language second channel's broadcasting time.

Tobacco packaging warning messages

The fourth language, Romansh, is only spoken by 0.5% of the population, and those persons typically also speak either German or Italian.

see also