
3 unusual facts about Romila Thapar

Ayodhya: The Case Against the Temple

Elst also writes in detail about claims that certain Hindu rulers, including Pusyamitra Sunga, were iconoclasts; evidence to that effect had been previously presented by Romila Thapar, Richard Eaton and others.

Dasaratha Maurya

Historians Vincent Smith and Romila Thapar advanced the popular theory of a division of the Mauryan Empire amongst Kunala and Dasaratha after the death of Ashoka.

Negationism in India: Concealing the Record of Islam

Elst claims that historians of the Aligarh school (e.g. Irfan Habib) or Indian Marxists (e.g. Romila Thapar) have resorted to history-rewriting: "Therefore, in 1982 the National Council of Educational Research and Training issued a directive for the rewriting of schoolbooks. Among other things, it stipulated that: "Characterization of the medieval period as a time of conflict between Hindus and Muslims is forbidden.

Arthur Llewellyn Basham

As a Professor at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London in the 1950s and the 1960s, he taught a number of famous Indian historians, including Professors R.S. Sharma, Romila Thapar and V.S.Pathak

see also