Pet Squad was voiced by top British voice talent Ben Small (voice of Thomas the Tank Engine), Ronni Ancona, Rob Rackstraw (voice of Travis, Spud and Scoop in Bob the Builder and Kwazii in Octonauts) and Adam Longworth (voice of the King in Jelly Jamm).
Ancona | Ronni Ancona | Hedy d'Ancona |
Many other comedians who appeared in the series went on to fame themselves, including Kevin Eldon, Peter Baynham, Ronni Ancona, Alistair McGowan, Al Murray, John Thomson, Rebecca Front, Mel Giedroyc, Sue Perkins, Ben Moor and Sally Phillips.
Guests on the show have included celebrities demonstrating their enthusiasm for Strictly Come Dancing, including Ronni Ancona, Michael Ball, John Barrowman, Jason Donovan, Miranda Hart, Jamelia, Marian Keyes, Lulu, McFly, Lee Mead, Meat Loaf, Pauline Quirke, The Spice Girls, Rod Stewart, Westlife, Barbara Windsor, Billy Zane and Tom Ellis.