The Church garden is organised following a taxonomic approach, featuring only plants belonging to the Rosaceae family.
Dryas octopetala (common names include mountain avens, white dryas, and white dryad) is an Arctic–alpine flowering plant in the family Rosaceae.
Several species including Entoloma saepium, E. clypeatum, E. aprile and E. saundersii are thought to form mycorrhizal relationships with members of the Rosaceae including Malus, Pyrus, Crataegus and Prunus.
Geum peckii is a species of flowering plant in the rose family known by the common name mountain avens.
Similar to Gymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae and Gymnosporangium globosum, the fungus infects a wide range of Rosaceae, such as apple, hawthorn, and quince trees, and also requires an evergreen host such as Eastern Red Cedar or a number of other juniper species to complete its life cycle.
Although the flowers resemble wild roses (and despite its common name), Christmas rose does not belong to the rose family (Rosaceae).
Potentilla johnstonii is a rare species of flowering plant in the rose family known by the common name sagebrush cinquefoil.
"Primrose" is ultimately from Old French primerose or medieval Latin prima rosa, meaning "first rose", though it is not closely related to the rose family Rosaceae.
Rosa carolina, commonly known as the Carolina rose, pasture rose, or low rose, is a shrub in the rose family native to eastern North America, where it can be found in nearly all US states and Canadian provinces east of the Great Plains.
Sorbus vexans (bloody whitebeam) is a rare tree in the Rosaceae family.
Rosaceae |
The larvae feed on a wide range of herbaceous plants, including Asteraceae, Convolvulaceae, Fabaceae, Geraniaceae, Hydrophyllaceae, Linaceae, Papaveraceae, Polygonaceae, Rosaceae, Scrophulariaceae and Violaceae species.
The páramo proper lies above the subpáramo, and is dominated by grasses, rushes, herbs, and low shrubs of the families Gramineae, Asteraceae, Cyperaceae, Rosaceae and Ericaceae.
Cotoneaster kaschkarovii is a species of flowering plant in the Rosaceae family that can be found in Kangding and Sichuan provinces of China, and also in Batang, Olunschi and Natschuka.
Eriobotrya, a genus of Rosaceae with species formerly included in Mespilus
Amelanchier, a genus in the Rosaceae producing small fruits lacking a pit