
2 unusual facts about Roscius


Sextus Roscius, a Roman accused of parricide who was successfully defended by Cicero

Quintus Roscius Gallus, a Roman actor who achieved great fame and fortune ("Roscius" later became a synonym for "actor")

De Oratore

Roscius, a famous actor, often complained that he hadn't found a pupil who deserved his approval.


Herculanus might have had no issue, and one of his heirs was Quintus Pompeius Falco (Quintus Roscius Coelius Murena Silius Decianus Vibullius Pius Iulius Eurycles Herculanus Pompeius Falco), who carried the family names on.

Pro Roscio Amerino

The events that made possible the accusation of the younger Roscius of Ameria began long before the murder of the elder Sextus Roscius of Ameria.

Quintus Roscius Gallus

When Thomas Nashe wanted to praise Edward Alleyn as the best actor of his generation, he called Alleyn a Roscius (Pierce Penniless, 1592); John Downes titled his history of Restoration drama Roscius Anglicanus (1708).

The African American actor Ira Aldridge, who was born in New York in 1807 and died in Lodz, Poland in 1867, and one of the finest Shakespearean actors of his age, was known as 'The African Roscius'.

William Ostler

He was praised for the quality of his acting, once being called "the Roscius of these times" (John Davies, Scourge of Folly, 1610).

see also