
8 unusual facts about Rose Simpson

Be Glad for the Song Has No Ending

Be Glad for the Song Has No Ending is the eighth album by the Incredible String Band, featuring Mike Heron, Robin Williamson, Licorice McKechnie and Rose Simpson.

Malcolm Le Maistre

In 1971, Rose Simpson left the ISB, and Le Maistre, who had been living with the band and their friends on the Tennant estate near Innerleithen in Scotland, replaced her.

Rose Simpson

Boyd wrote :- "The day Robin proposed that Licorice join the group, Mike went out and bought Rose an electric bass. 'Learn this,' he said, 'you're in the group now, too.'" She learned to play the bass so effectively that Steve Winwood asked her to play on a track of his, which she declined.

After brief affairs with both Boyd and David Crosby, she left the group in 1971, planning to take up sound engineering, but instead starting a family.

The Hangman's Beautiful Daughter

It shows both musicians, their girlfriends Licorice McKechnie and Rose Simpson, friends Roger Marshall and Nicky Walton, several children of their friend Mary Stewart, and Robin's dog Leaf.

Wee Tam and the Big Huge

It was a first for the band in that it was recorded as an ensemble, i.e. with less overdubs than before and much more use of Rose Simpson and Licorice McKechnie, (girlfriends of the two respective songwriters at that time).

Rose Simpson - violin ("Log Cabin Home in the Sky"); percussion ("Maya", "Cousin Caterpillar" & "The Iron Stone"); backing vocals

Around 15 instruments are featured, played mainly by the two band members Williamson and Heron but also, in supporting roles, on a few tracks by Rose Simpson and Licorice McKechnie.

see also