
unusual facts about Rosenberger


In the 14th century the Dívčí kámen Castle (Maidenstein) was built close to here by the noble family of Rožmberk (Rosenberger).


Rosenberger |

Isolde Ahlgrimm

In 1951, she presented the entire solo output of Mozart in a series of nine concerts (The Mozart Cycle), on original fortepianos by Michael Rosenberger (1790) and Anton Walter (1787).

Mary Alfred Moes

During the summer of 1865, the Guardian of the Franciscan friars in the United States, Father Pamfilo da Magliano, O.S.F., summoned Sister Alfred to St. Bonaventure Friary, in Allegany County, New York, along with the first postulant to the community, Mary Ann Rosenberger.

see also