
5 unusual facts about Rosneath

Clan MacAlister

This chief was involved, among the Macleans and Clan Donald South, in the invasion of the Campbell territories of Rosneath, Lennox, and Craignish, in 1529.

Grant Edwards

One of his notable achievements was winning the Scottish heavy throws contest at the 1997 Rosneath and Clynder Highland Games.

HMS Monck

By 1944 the establishment covered the Combined Operations Carrier Training, the naval barracks and the landing craft base at Port Glasgow, and the ICE school at Rosneath.

Jeanie Deans

When Jeanie returns to Scotland, she finds that the Duke of Argyll had given her father land to superintend at Rosneath in Argyll.

William de Bois Maclaren

William Frederick de Bois Maclaren (17 November 1856, Glasgow – 3 June 1921) was publisher, businessman and Scout Commissioner for Rosneath, Dunbartonshire, Scotland.


Rosneath |

William Scott Fell

Fell was born at Elleray Villa, Rosneath, Dunbartonshire, Scotland and educated at Dollar Academy and Graham's Academy, Greenock, Scotland.

see also