
2 unusual facts about Roswell Parkhurst Barnes

Roswell Parkhurst Barnes

The Rev. Roswell P. Barnes, served as the American leader or U.S. secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC), serving with the aid of Charles Phelps Taft II - son of President William Howard Taft - who supported the ecumenical movement and Rev. Barnes belief for a need for a blueprint for the Protestant community to affect the world; and to serve as a counterpoint to Catholicism's increasing popular influence led by Archbishop Fulton Sheen.

He was active in the 1920s in the Committee on Militarism in Education (CME), established in 1925 by John Nevin Sayre, Norman Thomas, and E. Raymond Wilson to combat then required military training at public schools and universities; the CME fought to remove military training, in the form of Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC), from high schools and to eliminate then compulsory ROTC service at state universities.

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