
3 unusual facts about Roy Bourgeois

Office of the Americas

The OOA has the support of Executive and Advisory Boards which include Noam Chomsky, Ed Asner, Martin Sheen, the Reverend Roy Bourgeois, and many others active in the peace and justice fields.

Roy Bourgeois

Bourgeois's criticism of US foreign policy in Latin America intensified on November 16, 1989 when six Jesuit priests, their housekeeper, and the housekeeper's daughter were massacred on the campus of Universidad Centroamericana "José Simeón Cañas" (UCA) in San Salvador, El Salvador.

Holding that the Roman Catholic church has no authority to ordain women, Pope Benedict XVI reaffirmed the church's ban on women priests at the Vatican's 2012 Holy Thursday chrism Mass.

Carlos Mauricio

The delegation, headed by Father Roy Bourgeois, successfully persuaded the Ministers of Defense of all three countries to commit to stop sending troops to the School of the Americas (a.k.a. Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation).

see also