Roy Richard Grinker (born 1961, American author and Professor of Anthropology
In the Arms of Africa: The Life of Colin M. Turnbull (ISBN 0226309045, University of Chicago Press, 2000)
He also spent two years living with the Lese farmers and the Efé pygmies in the northeastern Democratic Republic of the Congo as a Fulbright scholar, and has conducted epidemiological research on autism in Korea.
Richard Nixon | Richard Wagner | Richard Strauss | Roy Rogers | Richard Branson | Cliff Richard | Roy Orbison | Richard Gere | Richard Burton | Richard Hammond | Richard | Richard Dawkins | Roy Lichtenstein | Little Richard | Richard Feynman | Richard Attenborough | Richard M. Daley | Richard I of England | Richard Thompson | Richard Francis Burton | Richard Thompson (musician) | Richard Pryor | Richard Linklater | Richard III of England | Richard Petty | Richard II | Richard II of England | Richard E. Byrd | Roy Thomas | Roy Haynes |