
4 unusual facts about Roy Romer

1990 in LGBT rights

10 — Colorado Governor Roy Romer issues an executive order prohibiting sexual orientation discrimination in the public sector.

Colorado Coalition for the Homeless

• Governor Roy Romer signed a resolution declaring HOPE Week (Homeless Organizations for Public Education), a campaign initiated by the Coalition.

Jeannie Ritter

Three years later, then-Governor Roy Romer appointed Bill Ritter as Denver’s district attorney, citing his service in Africa as an important part of the decision.

Michael L. Bender

Bender was first appointed to the Colorado Supreme Court January 2, 1997 by Governor Roy Romer.

Bill Vidal

He started as a Highway Design Engineer, and worked his way up to the Executive Director position under Governor Roy Romer.

Holly, Colorado

Holly is the hometown of former Colorado Governor Roy Romer, who moved there as an infant from his birthplace of Garden City, Kansas.

Mike Leavitt

While Governor, Leavitt and Roy Romer of Colorado were the two key founders of Western Governors University in 1997, one of the first exclusively online schools in the nation.

see also