Since Logan's time, crosses between the cultivars of raspberry and blackberry have confirmed the Loganberry's parentage, with an earlier theory that the Loganberry originated as a red-fruiting form of the common Californian blackberry Rubus ursinus now disproved.
The loganberry was derived from a cross between Rubus ursinus (R. vitifolius) 'Aughinbaugh' as the female parent and Rubus idaeus 'Red Antwerp' as the male parent (pollen source).
The loganberry (Rubus × loganobaccus) is an hexaploid hybrid produced from pollination of a plant of the octaploid blackberry cultivar 'Aughinbaugh' (Rubus ursinus) by a diploid red raspberry (Rubus idaeus).
Rubus | Rubus idaeus | Rubus ursinus | Ursinus College | Rubus ulmifolius | ''Rubus ursinus'' (''R. vitifolius'') | Rubus armeniacus | red raspberry (''Rubus idaeus'') | Ursinus the Abbot | Rubus phoenicolasius | Rubus parviflorus | Rubus leucodermis | Rubus laciniatus | Rubus coreanus | Rubus chamaemorus |