
3 unusual facts about Rudolf Haag

Commutation theorem

It was not until the late 1960s, prompted partly by results in algebraic quantum field theory and quantum statistical mechanics due to the school of Rudolf Haag, that the more general non-tracial Tomita–Takesaki theory was developed, heralding a new era in the theory of von Neumann algebras.

Emilio Elizalde

The years immediately after the death of Franco were chaotic, offering young academics few opportunities, and so Elizalde spent his postdoctoral years abroad with Rudolf Haag at the II.

Quantum field theory in curved spacetime

Since the end of the eighties, the local quantum field theory approach due to Rudolf Haag and Daniel Kastler has been implemented in order to include an algebraic version of quantum field theory in curved spacetime.

Hilbert's sixth problem

Since the 1960s, following the work of Arthur Wightman and Rudolf Haag, also modern quantum field theory can be considered close to an axiomatic description.

see also