
6 unusual facts about Rufus Choate

Albert Tirrell

His parents hired Rufus Choate, a famous Boston attorney who was noted for the innovative defense strategies he employed to acquit his clients.

Daniel Leavitt

Dickerson may have been smarting from confrontations in the U.S. District Court battle, which turned into a jousting match between two of the foremost attorneys of the day: Dickerson representing Colt; and Rufus Choate representing the Massachusetts Arms Company.

Joseph Tracy

From his college days, Rev. Tracy was closely associated with the New England group who were leaders in the development of political feeling in the north, most notably Rufus Choate and Daniel Webster, both fellow Dartmouth graduates.

Rufus Choate

A precocious child, at six he is said to have been able to repeat large parts of the Bible and of Pilgrim's Progress from memory.

In July 1859 failing health led him to seek rest in a trip to Europe, but he died on July 13, 1859 at Halifax, Nova Scotia, where he had been put ashore when it was seen that he probably could not last the voyage across the Atlantic.

Telegraph Avenue

The streets were named alphabetically from east to west; the third street was named Choate Street, after Rufus Choate.

see also