
unusual facts about Runic alphabet


Many letters have shapes also found in the historical futhorc runes (used in The Hobbit), but their sound values are dissimilar.


In Hávamál, Dvalin is said to have introduced the writing of runes to the dwarves, as Dain had done for the elves and Odin for the gods.

Harald Bjorvand

His fields of specialty are general comparative language history, general Indo-Germanic linguistics, all archaic Germanic languages (Old West Norse, Gothic, Old High German etc.), and Germanic linguistics in general, including runes, morphology and etymology.

Liber Linteus

He did not undertake any further research on the text, until 1877, when a chance conversation with Richard Burton about runes made him realise that the writing was not Egyptian.

Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny

Ultima V used a modified form of the Elder Futhark runic alphabet for some game text, adding some letters to make a complete one-to-one correspondence with the English alphabet (plus a few runes to represent some common two-letter combinations).

Uppland Runic Inscription 53

As preserved written records from the old town give no hints of a developed knowledge in writing and reading runes in Stockholm and as these stones are too heavy to be transported very far, they are believed to have been brought in from the surrounding rural outskirts of the city, presumably from any of the Iron Age settlements of which traces have been discovered on both Norrmalm and Södermalm and considerably older than the city itself.

see also

Old English alphabet

Anglo-Saxon runes (futhorc), a runic alphabet used to write Old English from the 5th century