The Russian Constituent Assembly was established in Russia in the wake of the October Revolution of 1917 to form a new constitution after the overthrow of the Russian Provisional Government.
While Moldavia remained the only region under Romanian administration and the country increased its reliance on Imperial Russia - and then on the Russian Provisional Government, the Romanian Army was able to block further Central Powers' offensives in the battles of Mărăşeşti, Mărăşti, and Oituz.
After the February Revolution in 1917 Oskilko was appointed a Governorate Commissar of the Russian Provisional Government in Tula.
Russian Empire | Russian language | Russian Academy of Sciences | government | Government of India | local government area | Federal government of the United States | Russian Orthodox Church | Government of Canada | Public school (government funded) | Provisional Irish Republican Army | Government | Russian Civil War | Government of Maharashtra | Russian Revolution | Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic | Minister (government) | Imperial Russian Navy | Russian Far East | Government of Karnataka | Local government in Australia | The Government Inspector | Russian Revolution (1917) | Local government areas of Victoria | Russian Navy | Local Government Act 1972 | John F. Kennedy School of Government | Russian Air Force | Government of Tamil Nadu | Scottish Government |
Grigori Zinoviev, Lev Kamenev, and their allies in the Bolshevik Central Committee argued that the Bolsheviks had no choice but to start negotiations since a railroad strike would cripple their government's ability to fight the forces that were still loyal to the overthrown Provisional Government.
The Russian delegation and the members of the General Secretariat along with Mykhailo Hrushevsky after some discussion worked out the new Universal of the UPR and the Declaration of the Russian Provisional Government that were announced on July 3.
In October 1917, the Russian Provisional Government stopped the transfer of funds to the General Secretariat and expressed its intentions to file a claim against its members for separatism and the participation in the All-Ukrainian Constituent Assembly.
The foundations of the passport system of the Russian Empire, inherited by a Russian Republic in March, 1917 for a short period of 8 months, were scattered with the October Revolution, which dismantled all the state apparatus, including police as one of the backbone elements of this system.
Alexander Kerensky, head of the Russian Provisional Government after the overthrow the Tsar, appointed him Supreme Commander in Chief of the Russian Army in August 1917, replacing Lavr Kornilov.