State Representative Julie Harhart serves the 1st, 2nd, 6th, 7th, and 8th wards in the 183rd district and State Representative Ryan Mackenzie serves the 3rd, 4th, and 5th wards in the 134th district.
Its Eastern District is represented by Ryan Mackenzie in the 134th district and its Western District by Justin Simmons in the 131st district.
Paul Ryan | Ryan Seacrest | William Lyon Mackenzie King | Ryan Gosling | Ryan Thomas | Ryan Adams | Meg Ryan | Mackenzie River | Saving Private Ryan | Ryan Giggs | Rex Ryan | Buddy Ryan | Alexander Mackenzie | Ryan's Hope | Ryan Reynolds | Ryan O'Neal | Ryan McGinley | Nolan Ryan | Ryan Tedder | Ryan Phillippe | Dan Ryan Expressway | Von Ryan's Express | Ryan Lavarnway | Compton Mackenzie | Ryan | Mackenzie | Ryan Murphy | Ryan Agoncillo | Ryan Aeronautical | Robert Ryan |